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<title>Hi Warp Team, I'm August!</title>
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<h1 class="accent"> Hi Warp Team!</h1>
<h1> i'm <span class="august-accent">august</span></h1>
<p>I love your product and want to help build the terminal of the future</p>
<code class="intro-prompt accent">$ <span class="echo">echo </span><span id="typed"></span></code>
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<h1>what <span class="august-accent">am I</span>?</h1>
<p id="about">
I am a skilled Rust and Typescript <a href="#engineer"
class="august-accent-underline">engineer</a> who has
collaborated with global teams to
bring developers <a href="#together">together</a>, applies her skills to build
<a href="#beautiful">beautiful</a> products, and spends her free time <a
href="#tinkering">tinkering</a> and growing her skills.
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<p class="accent">
This <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/warp" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">site</a> was written in plain
Typescript, and this
demo is an <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/george-emu" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">emulator</a> I wrote from
scratch in Rust that was compiled to WASM and runs
hand-written assembly in the browser at native speed.
<div class="about" id="together">
<img class="widget train" src="/train.svg" />
<p class="accent">
At my last job with <a href="https://thecodingtrain.com/" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">The Coding
Train</a> I worked with
global team of designers and educators to bring coding education to tens of thousands of
active users. I led implementation of the <a href="https://thecodingtrain.com/showcase"
target="_blank" rel="noreferer">Passenger
Showcase</a>, which enabled hundreds of creative coders to have their projects featured
<div class="about" id="beautiful">
<img class="widget"
src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/New_York_Daniel_Rozin_%22The_Wooden_Mirror%22_%285060453987%29.jpg" />
<p class="accent">I'm both a talented engineer and creatively-driven. I studied at NYU ITP's
undergrad program,
Interactive Media Arts, where I applied my engineering skills to the arts, creating <a
href="https://soundpaint.vercel.app" target="_blank" rel="noreferer">interactive musical
watercolors</a>, <a href="https://github.com/augustkline/childhoodstegify"
target="_blank" rel="noreferer">hidden message poetry</a>, and <a
href="https://github.com/augustkline/traceomancy" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">networked oracles</a>, just to name a
<div class="about" id="tinkering">
<img src="/blinkenlights.jpeg" class="widget" />
<p class="accent">
For fun I like to play with <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/george-hardware"
target="_blank" rel="noreferer">hardware</a>, and lately I've
developing <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/fuzzy" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">fuzzy</a>, a programming
my homemade computer <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/george" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">george</a>. Other
spare-time projects I've written include <a href="https://github.com/augustkline/aurchive"
target="_blank" rel="noreferer">svg
canvases</a>, <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/birdkov" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">generative audio
chains</a>, and <a href="https://github.com/augustkline/ephemeral-chat" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">ephemeral chat
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<div class="page-desc left">
<span class="accent"><code>man</code> for the future of coding</span>
<h1>here's a <span class="august-accent">feature idea</span>...</h1>
<p>I read up on your interview process and figured I'd skip straight to the best part!</p>
<p>The terminal of the future should blur the lines between TUI and GUI.</p>
<p>Here, I imagined an enhanced user interface for <code>man</code> that respects the developer and
or change their workflow.</p>
<p>(and <a href="https://git.augustkline.com/august/manserve" target="_blank"
rel="noreferer">here's</a> a little server I wrote
this demo)</p>
<div id="man-demo">
<div class="terminal widget" id="man-terminal">
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<div id="results"></div>
<form id="man-input">
<input type="text" name="command" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Try typing `man pwd`" />
<input type="submit" hidden />
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<h1>Let's work <span class="august-accent">together</span></h1>
<p>Shoot me an <a href="mailto:me@augustkline.com">email</a> and let's set up an interview</p>
<p>I'm really excited to bring my skills to your team!</p>